Our story

What has become Cultivate Floral started as a seed of change. We both felt frustrated by greenwashed marketing and our constant participation in convenience culture and consumerism. The garden has always been where we could turn down the noise of societal and environmental discontentment, find footing, and do something that felt more symbiotic with the earth. We wished we could exist in that sense of fulfillment outside of the garden gates.

Serendipitously, these conversations took place in tandem with a reread of Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Kingsolver’s autobiographical account of leaving the urban jungle behind for a life where everything they consumed came from within 5 miles of their farm had us chattering excitedly about how human’s needs really can be filled with little waste and a commitment to awareness. 

Admittedly flowers could be considered a want and not a need but Cultivate’s ethos revolve around simple joy. We feel it’s more impactful to do what you can where you are with what you have than to take on more burden than you can tolerate and risk burning out.

Both raised in Columbia Falls we’ve always wanted to stay woven into the ecology and economy of this town and knew for any plans we made Columbia Falls would be our roots. 

All of these yarns knit together to cover a need in our community and we developed Cultivate from the dirt up.

Jesse & Kim